The Situationist

Prejudice Against the Obese and Some of its Situational Sources

Posted by The Situationist Staff on August 5, 2007

obese-student.jpgThere can be little question that the growing number of overweight and obese Americans confront serious discrimination and prejudice. Situationist Contributors, Adam Benfrorado, Jon Hanson, and David Yosifon summarized the extent of the problem in their article, “Broken Scales,” as follows:

For obese Americans, constant stigmatization and frequent discrimination are found in all aspects of daily life, including education, employment, health care, and interpersonal relationships. . . . [P]arents provide significantly less monetary support for their overweight children than for their thin children in pursuing advanced education and that 28% of teachers involved in the study said that becoming obese was one of the worst things that could happen to a person. Unsurprisingly, fewer fat students end up going to college.

[Another scholar] reviewed twenty-nine studies about the experiences of the obese in the workplace, and he found discrimination in nearly every aspect of the employment relationship, from hiring to wages to benefits. In fact, weight appears to elicit more pervasive discrimination than other appearance-related factors like gender, age, or race. . . . Isolating weight and sex, one group of researchers found that the weight of an applicant explained 34.6% of hiring, whereas sex explained only 10.4%. In another set of experiments that studied how decisions about employee discharge were colored by social stigmas, participants demonstrated stronger negative feelings toward overweight employees than they did toward ex-mental patients or ex-felons.

The wage differential is equally startling, although the effect is far stronger in women. Morbidly obese white women have wages 24.1% lower than their standard weight counterparts, and moderately obese woman earn 5.9% less. This substantiates recent work . . . [finding] that the net worth for an obese woman fifty-seven to sixty-seven years of age was 60% less than a woman of normal weight in 1998.

Much of the discrimination occurs in areas less noticeable than hiring or wages. In one study of people who were at least 50% above their ideal weight, more than a quarter reported that they had been denied benefits like health insurance on account of their weight. Moreover, 24% of nurses in another study reported that they are “repulsed” by obese patients, so even when obese individuals manage to get health care there is reason to believe that it may not be the best.

obesity1.jpgThose situationist scholars argued that “[t]he added discrimination reserved for the overweight and obese reflects our sense that those problems, more than the others, reflect personal choices” (that is, disposition, instead of situation):

When we look at the obese we see only their fat. We miss their intelligence, their kindness, and their strength, just as we miss the broader situational influences that led them to be overweight. We see a disposition that reassuringly explains their most salient feature–fat people are weak. . . . [O]verweight people are frequently stereotyped as being socially handicapped and emotionally impaired, and as having negative personality traits. After all, who else would choose to look like that?

Such negative stereotypes attach early on. By nursery school, children show a preference for drawings of children in wheelchairs and with facial disfigurements to those of obese children; by the time they enter elementary school, they have already begun to construct causal schemas. In one study, children who were asked to describe a silhouette of an obese child used words like “dirty,” “lazy,” “ugly,” “stupid,” and “sloppy.” According to another study, the quality of life for obese children is approximately the same as that of children undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. . . . [As one of the researchers] explained: “Obesity is an extremely socially stigmatized disease, and unlike some conditions, it’s not something a child can hide.” Evidence abounds that obese people are not wanted. Sixteen percent of adult Americans would abort a baby if they knew it would be untreatably obese, whereas 17% would abort if they were certain the child would be mentally retarded. In a 1988 study, students reported that they would rather marry someone who was an embezzler, a drug addict, a shoplifter, or a blind person than someone who was obese.

It seems strange that there could be so much discrimination against the overweight in a country with so many fat people. The explanation may be that the overweight, just like everyone else, have been convinced of the desirability of the waif body and the righteousness of the dispositionist message. They made a bad choice–or many bad choices–and now fairness demands that they pay the consequences. They look in the mirror and say, “Yes, it’s true, I am disgusting;” “I brought all this discrimination on myself;” and “I have a decision to make, just like Dr. Phil says.” This self-assessment shares much with the reflections of Milgram’s subjects who left feeling that their own evil ways, and not the situation, were solely to blame for their behavior. (citations and footnotes omitted)

Elsewhere in their article, Benforado, Hanson and Yosifon explain some of the many situational forces (including the food, beauty, exercise, and self-help industries) that contribute to that discriminatory dynamic.from the Scotsman

Roger Dobson and Ian Griggs recently wrote a brief article in The Independent summarizing studies at the University of British Columbia that may shed additional light on the possible situational causes of disgust and discrimination toward the obese. We excerpt portions of their article below:

* * *

From the taunting of the chubby child in the playground to cruel jibes at fat people in work and social settings, few could doubt there is widespread prejudice against the overweight. However, according to research reported in Evolution and Human Behavior some people suffer abuse because being too fat is mistaken by the brain for a sign of disease.

Researchers say the immune system can be triggered into action at the sight of obesity because it doesn’t like the look of what it sees, and associates it with infection.

Just as it orchestrates attacks on viruses and bacteria and triggers nausea at the hint of bad food, so it sends out signals of disgust in some people at the sight of an obese body that is designed to encourage avoidance and survival.

The finding comes just days after research in The New England Journal of Medicine suggested that obesity is contagious, in a social rather than bacteriological sense. [summarized here.]

overweight2.jpg“Antipathy toward obese people is a powerful and pervasive prejudice in many contemporary populations. Our results reveal, for the first time, that this prejudice may be rooted in multiple, independent mechanisms. They provide the first evidence that obesity serves as a cue for pathogen infection,” say the University of British Columbia researchers.

They say a behavioural immune system appears to have evolved in humans that is designed to detect body signs that are related to disease, like rashes and lesions. The sight of them triggers disgust as well as negative attitudes and avoidance. The system errs in favour of over-reacting because failure to react to a real danger could be fatal.

Researchers carried out a number of experiments, including word associations and tests where they compared the reactions and views of men and women to obesity.

The results show that people who agreed with comments such as “it really bothers me when people sneeze without covering their mouths” were more likely to agree with statement such as “if I were an employer looking to hire, I might avoid hiring a fat person.” The greater the fear of disease, the stronger the negative feeling about obesity.

* * *

We have not been able to read the study ourselves, and have our doubts about its underlying theory. After all, antipathy toward obesity seems to vary across cultures and historical periods. Indeed, depending on the situation, some excess weight has often been seen as attractive. In addition, there is another evolutionary-based argument that the ability to store large quantities of fat is one that would likely have been “selected” by situational, evolutionary forces. That is a little hard to square with the hypothesized disease -disgust link. Nonetheless, it is an interesting theory about which our readers may have an interest (and, we hope, some interesting reactions and comments).

Other Situationist posts on the topic of obesity include “Infant Death Rates in Mississippi” and “Situational Obesity,” (which contains additional links to other related posts); other Situationist posts discussing related forms of discrimination include “Shades of Fairness and the Marketing of Prejudice” and the “Physical Pain of Discrimination” (which also contains additional links).

Cognitive Daily has a terrific post from last summer, “Obesity and Discrimination,” that is well worth the read. For an audio recording of an interesting Talk of the Nation panel discussion (from 2003) on attitudes toward overweight people, click here.

29 Responses to “Prejudice Against the Obese and Some of its Situational Sources”

  1. Rob said

    Nice post.

    We’ve a real problem with obesity.

    In fact I recently blogged about this exact thing here:

    In short: In May of 2002, the World Health Organization announced a rise in obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Remarkably, this occurred not only in affluent developed nations – but also among developing nations in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean, where malnutrition was once the major dietary issue.

    Obesity in the developing world can be seen as a result of a series of changes in diet, physical activity, health and nutrition, collectively known as the ‘nutrition transition.’ As poor countries become more prosperous, they acquire some of the benefits along with some of the problems of industrialized nations. These include obesity.

    Since urban areas are much further along in the transition than rural ones, they experience higher rates of obesity. Cities offer a greater range of food choices, generally at lower prices. Urban work often demands less physical exertion than rural work. And as more and more women work away from home, they may be too busy to shop for, prepare and cook healthy meals at home. The fact that more people are moving to the city compounds the problem. In 1900, just 10 percent of the world population inhabited cities. Today, that figure is nearly 50 percent.

    Read more here:

  2. PB said

    Seems to me there’s much more complexity underlying the relatively simple/broad statement “fewer fat students end up going to college…” Even though the demographics are changing, the fact is right now that the poor tend to be more obese than the relatively well off and rich; and as such have fewer opportunities to attend college in the first place!

  3. Pamela said

    Fat women should be discriminated against in the work place, in social relationships, as potential sexual partners and mates. The fat fact is that the appearance of the obese body is merely a physical manifestation of larger problems within the individual’s psyche and personality in general. Obesity is a sign that the person lacks self esteem, self control and discipline.

    Americans even have availibility of a fat drug for their dogs now! Come on folks! Get out the leash and take both your fat asses down to the park for a walk! Suggestion: Skip the stop at the donut store on the way back!

    Another fat fact: There isn’t enough Viagra in the world to undo the damage a woman does to her husband’s libido by becoming obese!

    The obese are at a significantly higher risk for pregnancy complications as well as passing thier traits, both genetic and learned, on to thier kids. They’re slovenly and lazy due to the difficulty they have moving–so their less likely to keep a sanitary and clean home environment–making them less effective as potential wives, housekeepers, mothers and role models for the family. A potential husband would have to consider the extra healthcare, housekeeping, babysitting and even travel costs of an obese partner if she required 2 seats for commercial travel, for example.

    Hiring an obese woman makes no sense. The extra space, unappealing appearance issues representing a company, extra expenses of healthcare benefits, anticipated time off for obesity related healthcare needs and the character traits of laziness, lack of self esteem and discipline all make for a poor employee. I’d rather see jobs go to undocumented workers who are healthy, motivated, and able to work competitively for a fair wage than to hire a documented obese female. The illegal will have the added benefit of being bilingual as well!

    So, is discriminating against the obese really discrimination? I think not. If God gave you the ability to question and reason, for God’s sakes use that ability and make good choices. By and large, no pun there, the obese are products of thier own poor choices: poor eating habits, lack of exercise and excusing thier behaviors to themselves allowing them to continue the cycle of self abuse. Don’t fall into thier mess by tacitly excusing thier obesity. Send the clear message that you’re looking for the best possible candidate for the job, whether it be for a professional position, romantic interest or casual encounter, and in order for someone to fit that criteria, they must be within normal weight/height guidelines.

    You’re doing yourself and them a favor by being honest.

  4. inresponsetopamela said

    I think it is very sad that some one could be so ignorant to write something like that. If you understood obesity at all you would understand there are factors involved such as genetic dispotitions and real addictions that obese have to face with. Saying it is alright to discriminate someone for being fat is just as bad as discrimination based on race. I my self am obese and I am not ashamed to say it, nor have i ever had a negative image of my self or low self esteem until I received so much discrimination from people like you that i began to believe what they said was true.

    “So, is discriminating against the obese really discrimination? I think not. If God gave you the ability to question and reason, for God’s sakes use that ability and make good choices. By and large, no pun there, the obese are products of thier own poor choices: poor eating habits, lack of exercise and excusing thier behaviors to themselves allowing them to continue the cycle of self abuse. Don’t fall into thier mess by tacitly excusing thier obesity”

    This quote is evidence of the discrimination we must endure because of people who are unwilling or perhaps unable to educate them selves about the issue, yet still think they have the right to have an opinion.

    If you did your reading you would know that many obese people have been obese their entire lives setting their eating and exercise habits at an early age, children learn these habits at an early age making it much more difficult to reverse as adults.

    I am not saying that it is ok to be obese, and I myself have been losing weight for the past year so that i may be treated with the respect that everyone else is given. I am addicted to food, it has been an addiction since childhood and i have used it as a coping mechanism to numb my self of the pain of sexual abuse. Before you go making comments like that i suggest you know what your talking about, what is even more sad is that you are probably a mother and have taught your children to hate based on appearances and that is just sad. I’m only 19 and luckily i had a mother who was intelligent and open enough to raise me with the knowledge that i am a human being worth knowing, and worthy of a normal life like everyone else. I am absolutely repulsed that someone could think it is as cut and dry as “just stop eating”. Hopefully you will open your eyes and
    look at your self before you go throwing stones.

    P.S. learn how to spell

  5. […] discuss but urgent for us to face — women and aging, youth and beauty, race and skin color, antipathy toward the obese, prejudice against those with disabilities or […]

  6. response to pamela said

    Pamela, there is not enough Viagra in the world to cure what your bitchiness would do to a man’s libido.

    You are obviously ignorant of what obesity looks like. The people you describe are at the most extreme end of the ‘fat scale’, in lieu of a better term. A person who is as fat as you describe would be handicapped, could barely walk let alone apply for a job. They make up maybe 1% of all ‘overwieight’ people.

    Not hire an obese woman because of the of the extra space needed? Stupidest comment EVER! I have worked in a cubical before and, honestly, if a person is so fat they can’t fit into one of those or a regular office, then they can’t even move.

    Based on your standards and your obvious ignorance and stupidity and narcissism, the ‘best candidate’ for a romantic relationship with you is the fattest, greasiest slimeball con on the planet. He’d be a great contrast to your Stepford Wife vision of the world.

    Actually, he’d be to good for you.

    How dare compare what you’re saying to God’s judgement. You will rot in Hell.

  7. to pamela said

    Hey pamela,
    you should seriously look up the word discrimination,
    and then look at this

    “discrimination in nearly every aspect of the employment relationship, from hiring to wages to benefits. In fact, weight appears to elicit more pervasive discrimination than other appearance-related factors like gender, age, or race. . . . Isolating weight and sex, one group of researchers found that the weight of an applicant explained 34.6% of hiring, whereas sex explained only 10.4%. In another set of experiments that studied how decisions about employee discharge were colored by social stigmas, participants demonstrated stronger negative feelings toward overweight employees than they did toward ex-mental patients or ex-felons.”

    sure, god gave you the what ever the hell you think he gave you,
    but that still does not mean that its not discrimination.
    obesity has many causes,
    and most are not from

    “The fat fact is that the appearance of the obese body is merely a physical manifestation of larger problems within the individual’s psyche and personality in general. Obesity is a sign that the person lacks self esteem, self control and discipline.”

    no, they are mostly genetic,
    hormonal, energy imbalances, and epidemilogical.
    god made everyone equal, and im sure he wouldnt aprove of your analogy of dicriminating
    against obesity.

    you have your opinions,
    and i have mine. but just make sure your facts are right,
    because i garentee,
    your going to look like a dumb ass
    when you cant even tell what discrimination is.

    lay off being mean.
    its not their fault most of the time.

  8. to pamela said

    by the way,
    i hope you get fired,
    or cheated on by who your dating/married to,
    your pathetic.
    i hope you have no friends.

  9. to pamela said

    i just remembered that you remind me of hitler.
    so whats your perfect race going to be called?

  10. Allie said

    I was appalled to come across the sentiments written in the letter by Pamela in my search for obesity related articles. Clearly you have no knowledge on what causes obesity. Your lack of sympathy towards the obese people who indeed are members of the human race (contrary to your beliefs) saddens me. Hopefully there are very few people with your beliefs. I do hope you will reconsider them and become more openminded sometime in the near future

  11. […] to discuss but urgent for us to face — women and aging, youth and beauty, race and skin color, antipathy toward the obese, prejudice against those with disabilities or […]

  12. […]… […]

  13. Someone who cares said

    I really can’t see how you can talk about what God said when you are so hateful yourself. I think hateful and uncaring people shouldn’t be hired or made to be husbands or wives etc. Talk about bad role models. I’d rather have a fat person working for me than a hateful person like you that spreads negative information about a segment of the population. Was you’re Mom fat or something – and was she mean to you? Why would you have such a deep-seated hatred for people you don’t know. There is a medical, genetic and yes, environmental, element to obesity. I would dare to say that reading your hateful post probably made perfectly thin people want to curl up on their couch, watch a comedy and eat a few chocolate chip cookies – what a hateful world we live in. People like you are WHY fat people don’t walk outside or have a chance to reverse what is basically a lifetime of bad choices, or genetic and environmental pre-disposition. You are part of the hateful society that uses fat people as scapegoats for their own impossible anger. You’re probably thin, and you also tax the environment…you used a PC to post to this website…gee, since PC’s are hard to recycle – maybe you should do the right thing and not use one…I know I wish you and your kind wouldn’t. I know you’re not speaking what (any) God would say…Christian, Muslim, whatever…all would say to love one another…the golden rule. I’ve never read any religious teachings about only loving skinny people. You should get help with your own anger and go out and help the homeless. Use your short time on this Earth to help others…not hurt them. There are plenty of people out there who could use your help…but there you are sitting in your comfy chair talking smack about fat people. Get a life – a worthwhile one that is. By the way, I’m just being as you said…honest. Did my honesty help you? I doubt it…and yours didn’t help anyone either. But, I’ll pray for you.

  14. […] Marketing Situation of Children,” “The Magnetism of Beautiful People,” “Prejudice Against the Obese and Some of its Situational Sources,” “Spas and Girls,” and “Fitting in and Sizing […]

  15. […] The thing is, I referred to her physique to make my point. I was no different than the referenced article implies. […]

  16. Rocky said

    Pamela, it is better to be thought a fool than to open you mouth and remove all doubt! Did it ever occur to your little pea brain that a person might be over weight because of a medical problem that caused the weight gain and prevents them from loosing it under any condition? No I didn’t think so. Perhaps if you contracted such an illness and became a whale yourself you would then become e enlightened by the truth you do no yet possess!

  17. Rocky said

    Now that I think about it I have actually heard Pamelas line of reasoning before. There was a time when white people felt that Negros were stupid, lazy, ugly, stinky, bad hygene, savage, useless, and many other adjectives I could list. because of these they were denied jobs, housing, medical,etc; hell they couldnt even use the same toilets or water fountains, or public transportation as white people. Every negative that pam has presented uppon obese people have also been applied to Negro’s. So if we were to use pams reasoning for continuing to descriminate against fat people then the Negro’s are still in trouble as well; along with everyone else we feel does not measure up to our standards. yesterday it was Negro’s, today it is fat people, tomorrow it may be you!

  18. Anima~ said

    everyone has there own opinions
    but if your going to write out your opinions, you should think about what you write before publishing it. Writing about whatever you think is right doesn’t mean that your always going to be right; when you write about something that you don’t truly understand yourself, you should not write about it. it makes you seem like a jerk. But your not completly wrong but your also not completly right. Being obese is different for any person, because there is many different reasons why they are, some are medical, some is because they have been hurt, and some are obese because of the reasons you have typed about, but that’s not all people. if you write without considering their thoughts, that makes you just as bad as people who don’t even care about others thoughts or feelings, just remember, what goes around comes around.

  19. […] “Obesity.”  Advameg, Inc, 2010. Web. 1 Feb 2010. b).… […]

  20. to pamela responder said

    good reply up till the last line, no the ideal that its not their fault is a false one, only .01 percent of those overweight or obese have a medical disposition towards being so. look pamela was being a jerk in the way she expressed it, but i dont think the ideal she had was so bad.

    overweight people make a choice, a choice to be overweight, its like getting a tatoo or a piercing, yes i know from personal expreience that its not just “easy” to lose weight, however it is still a choice to gain weight and not be healthy.

    therefore if its a choice, then yes they shuold be discriminated for it in hiring just the way those people with tatoos or nose rings are, there is nothing wrong with that if you wish your company to appear in a certain light.

    now before you go off at me for being cruel and discriminatoy, read what i have said and think about it, i really am not being mean or cruel i just am stating facts and assesing the situation

  21. to pamela responder said

    well done, reffering to the overweight as whales really drives home that point of kindness


  22. Chris said

    Seems like an old posting, so this may be sent off into the absence of the world wide web.
    I am myself an obese woman. Suprise, suprise. I am also a heavily decorated medical student and practitioner, with numerous awards to adorn my repertoire of work. I have beat out many astonished persons because of my sheer determination and drive to do better than everyone else I have encountered.
    I have a second degree black belt, play 3 instruments, speak 3 languages, a mother of two beautiful and intelligent children, and an adoring husband of 12 years. Is this the picture of laziness or one whom lacks self control?
    I hate that I am obese; I would love to be “attractive” to my husband. So why is someone, so motivated in everything else that she does, carry this weight around like an albatross?
    Noticing a trend, I began to investigate – the link between childhood physical and sexual abuse and obesity. What I found was 60%.
    What I have deduced, being a victim of sexual abuse from age 8-14, is that food is not only a safety net and an emotional supplement but a security to ensure it won’t happen again. If I eat enough, if I am fat enough, they will not want me. Most abused children believe it is they to blame to begin with and try to self correct – I rouge pattern very hard to break once the abuse has stopped.
    So Pamela is correct, I have low self esteem, I hate my body, and feel safer that way. When I am like this I don’t have to fear the awful things imposed upon me as a child.
    So, I am not looking for a sympathetic eye, but pointing out that most obesity is related to secret trauma, and is a way of that trauma to self manifest itself to the surface, much like a pathogen brutes its way outward into the body until it cannot be ignored.
    So to continue to maim a person, who has already endured so much is counterproductive.
    One of my funniest experiences was when at the park with my youngest son, I was engrossed in reading a journal article while my son played. A group of young males, in a beat up truck yelled to me: “Why don’t you put down the book, and walk fat ass”. Well after being taunted and to save my son from further embarrassment I got into my car and rode off, trying to justify the situation. Three weeks later, one of those males ended up in my ICU. He did not know who I was, and when I jokingly told him “I bet you are glad I chose reading over walking now” he got it. Irony at its finest.

  23. Apollo said

    Wow so let me get this straight you are prejucist against fat women??? Here I thought are society was advancing and evolving, boy your ignorance prooved me wrong. You have no idea of the psycological problems it causes by making fun of a kid and adults or putting them down just because they are overweight. Society looks down at people whom psycologicaly abuse perple verbaly bacause of their skin color, sexual orientation or religions beliefs but to you its accepted to put someone down because of ther weight which is something that person might not be able to control? You had better take a long look at your family buddy because I would be willing to bet there was a fat aunt, uncle, mother or grandmother in your family tree and if they had not been born then you would not excist today. People like you is whats wrong with society today. You lack understanding and compassion and that my friend is being prejudist which leads to the worst crime of all hate crimes.

    Does prejudice excist today? It might not have to do with a persons religions beliefs, the color of their skin, their sexual orientation or even their sexual preferance but if you hate someone or dont offer a qualified person a job, make fun of them just because they are overweight isn’t that a form of prejudice? What if that person has thyroid cancer and therefore that persons body cant control its motabolizm or what if that person was somehow abused and suffered from depression? My point is you dont know the reason that poerson might be fat and therefore in my openion if you hate someone just because they are fat then chances are you are prejudice and perhaps you should take a look in the mirror… Some of us might be able to change the way we look and are working on it but what are you doing to change your attitude twards understanding why that person is the way they are? What I dont understand is why is being prejudice accepted by such a large population of society even today when other forms of prejudice are not accepted???

  24. Kelly Kuykendall said

    “Pamela said
    September 17, 2007 at 4:48 pm

    Fat women should be discriminated against in the work place, in social relationships, as potential sexual partners and mates. The fat fact is that the appearance of the obese body is merely a physical manifestation of larger problems within the individual’s psyche and personality in general. Obesity is a sign that the person lacks self esteem, self control and discipline.

    Americans even have availibility of a fat drug for their dogs now! Come on folks! Get out the leash and take both your fat asses down to the park for a walk! Suggestion: Skip the stop at the donut store on the way back!

    Another fat fact: There isn’t enough Viagra in the world to undo the damage a woman does to her husband’s libido by becoming obese!

    The obese are at a significantly higher risk for pregnancy complications as well as passing thier traits, both genetic and learned, on to thier kids. They’re slovenly and lazy due to the difficulty they have moving–so their less likely to keep a sanitary and clean home environment–making them less effective as potential wives, housekeepers, mothers and role models for the family. A potential husband would have to consider the extra healthcare, housekeeping, babysitting and even travel costs of an obese partner if she required 2 seats for commercial travel, for example.

    Hiring an obese woman makes no sense. The extra space, unappealing appearance issues representing a company, extra expenses of healthcare benefits, anticipated time off for obesity related healthcare needs and the character traits of laziness, lack of self esteem and discipline all make for a poor employee. I’d rather see jobs go to undocumented workers who are healthy, motivated, and able to work competitively for a fair wage than to hire a documented obese female. The illegal will have the added benefit of being bilingual as well!

    So, is discriminating against the obese really discrimination? I think not. If God gave you the ability to question and reason, for God’s sakes use that ability and make good choices. By and large, no pun there, the obese are products of thier own poor choices: poor eating habits, lack of exercise and excusing thier behaviors to themselves allowing them to continue the cycle of self abuse. Don’t fall into thier mess by tacitly excusing thier obesity. Send the clear message that you’re looking for the best possible candidate for the job, whether it be for a professional position, romantic interest or casual encounter, and in order for someone to fit that criteria, they must be within normal weight/height guidelines.

    You’re doing yourself and them a favor by being honest.

    You are a disquieting human being, people like you should not have the right to live on this planet! and why only women are you discriminating against? by the way skinny women can have the same emotional problems and health problems just as much as some one over weight. and can be like you completely retarded, you as the example. and by the way you I am overweight and am smarter than you because I can spell and speak English correctly.
    I feel that you have more mental problems than every overwieght person in the worldPamela said
    September 17, 2007 at 4:48 pm

    Fat women should be discriminated against in the work place, in social relationships, as potential sexual partners and mates. The fat fact is that the appearance of the obese body is merely a physical manifestation of larger problems within the individual’s psyche and personality in general. Obesity is a sign that the person lacks self esteem, self control and discipline.

    Americans even have availibility of a fat drug for their dogs now! Come on folks! Get out the leash and take both your fat asses down to the park for a walk! Suggestion: Skip the stop at the donut store on the way back!

    Another fat fact: There isn’t enough Viagra in the world to undo the damage a woman does to her husband’s libido by becoming obese!

    The obese are at a significantly higher risk for pregnancy complications as well as passing thier traits, both genetic and learned, on to thier kids. They’re slovenly and lazy due to the difficulty they have moving–so their less likely to keep a sanitary and clean home environment–making them less effective as potential wives, housekeepers, mothers and role models for the family. A potential husband would have to consider the extra healthcare, housekeeping, babysitting and even travel costs of an obese partner if she required 2 seats for commercial travel, for example.

    Hiring an obese woman makes no sense. The extra space, unappealing appearance issues representing a company, extra expenses of healthcare benefits, anticipated time off for obesity related healthcare needs and the character traits of laziness, lack of self esteem and discipline all make for a poor employee. I’d rather see jobs go to undocumented workers who are healthy, motivated, and able to work competitively for a fair wage than to hire a documented obese female. The illegal will have the added benefit of being bilingual as well!

    So, is discriminating against the obese really discrimination? I think not. If God gave you the ability to question and reason, for God’s sakes use that ability and make good choices. By and large, no pun there, the obese are products of thier own poor choices: poor eating habits, lack of exercise and excusing thier behaviors to themselves allowing them to continue the cycle of self abuse. Don’t fall into thier mess by tacitly excusing thier obesity. Send the clear message that you’re looking for the best possible candidate for the job, whether it be for a professional position, romantic interest or casual encounter, and in order for someone to fit that criteria, they must be within normal weight/height guidelines.

    You’re doing yourself and them a favor by being honest. ”

    You seem like you have more mental problems than all the over weight people in this world, FYI I am happily married and my husband is completely horrified with what you had to say! he is completely attracted to me and thinks it is and disturbing what women go through real women not toothpicks. I did not choose to be over weight, by the way genetics are a major role played in the “Obesity Epidemic”, I think you are very closed minded not all fat people go eat doughnuts or as you say “donuts” and are lazy, and are everything you might think, I am an individual not a whole, same with every one else out there in the world. I do agree that SOME PEOPLE go to fast food places and eat there every day that is their problem but to not let get a job or have a friendship or relationship is wrong.
    You must be a republican.

    I am over weight because of a medication wrongfully prescribed to me so you have no right to say that all over weight people have no self control I eat healthy and am “poor” in this situation I did not have control over what my doctor had prescribed me, So why cant you see it is people like you who are the problem, obviously you should not have a job and have a healthy relationship as well, why is it that gay people ( nothing against gay people and their rights) but it is now in the constitution that you can not discriminate against them but why is it legal to commit hate crimes against people who cannot hide there flaws? with the gay people they do not have to say they are gay but with overweight people you can not hide it!

  25. […] Prejudice Against the Obese and Some of its Situational Sources […]

  26. […] discuss but urgent for us to face — women and aging, youth and beauty, race and skin color, antipathy toward the obese, prejudice against those with disabilities or […]

  27. […] Prejudice Against the Obese and Some of its Situational Sources […]

  28. against diabetes…

    […]Prejudice Against the Obese and Some of its Situational Sources « The Situationist[…]…

  29. prettyskinny said

    None of these people majored in grammar, punctuation or spelling. What a bunch of dopes! Usually it’s just the fatties that are stupid.

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